Clash of the trade shows

Clash of the trade shows, New dates for ISE from 10-13 May will clash with current plans for Midwich’s TechXpo, PLASA Focus Leeds, the Media and Production Show and London Digital Signage Week.
The world’s largest AV trade show postponed their event for a 3-month period and is now clashing with four other well known UK-based events planned during that time frame.
ISE sought out feedback from visitors as well as exhibitors before postponing its event by three months due to an increase of the Omicron variant occurring globally.
Charlotte Wheeler, director of the Broadcast Tech & Sport Group stated on social media: “We are very disappointed by the news this evening, for us and the other events. It’s also extremely frustrating for exhibitors who usually do both events and how they manage and coordinate staff and kit. These are our fixed dates in the calendar and the complete clash on dates in a year when we are all opening back up is unhelpful to all.”